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Harvest OG Kush Purple Auto!
Timelapse - Seed to Harvest 200g Dry - OG Kush Autoflower Fastbuds - Spiderfarmer SF4000
Timelapse of Purple Lemonade Auto from Fastbuds - 156 grams dry
How to Grow your Cannabis PURPLE!
purple og kush plant in afghanistan dagar kakar khorasan
Autoflowering Plants Week By Week [Educational]
Auto dark purple ( purple kush x og kush) day 74 Harvest time
Auto dark purple (purple kush x og kush) harvest
Auto dark purple og kush x purple kush Day 42 of the grow.week 6
Auto dark purple (purple kush x og kush) day 71
Harvest auto Mayascula Purple- so awesome looking
Purple Kush AutoFlower Harvest - Greenhouse Grown - 78 Days from Seed - Time to Dry (18+)